How does Vatican City manage essential services in such a tiny space? 🏛️ Discover the hidden infrastructure supporting the Vatican, from a private train station and eco-friendly initiatives to a ...
Because the Vatican has published very little over the centuries about its finances and investments, most people don't know how it makes money as a sovereign city-state with its own economy.
After the events of last week, the atmosphere in the walled city-state was glum on Sunday. Vatican sources said they could not rule out more arrests, particularly if Gabriele named any accomplices.
A reverse image search of the picture shows that its use goes back several years and is often used to supposedly reveal secrets about the Vatican. Fake news targeting the Catholic Church is ...
The pope declared that part of the archives and library be moved to a building on extraterritorial Vatican property at the ...
(JTA) — The Vatican unsealed its secret archive relating to the controversial Holocaust-era Pope Pius XII. Critics accuse Pius of having turned a blind eye to Jewish suffering, and researchers ...
Secret Archives of the Vatican have been making their own distinctive brand of what they call ‘transglobal breakbeat dub science’ for a few years now, more recently introducing dubstep and ...
From cards used in the board game Vatican: Unlock the Secrets of How Men Become Pope, created by Stephen Haliczer, a professor at Northern Illinois University. The game, which purports… ...